Supporting Motherhood

Simple Life was recently contacted by a resident who wanted to share the work they are involved in which supports women through motherhood. As an area close to our resident’s heart and as something all families will be able to identify with, we chose to support the recent online play by Something Good Theatre, which was also part-filmed in one of the Simple Life homes!

Niamh Waldron, ESG Director comments,

“When invited to log on to an evening of online plays titled ‘Motherhood’ I was not sure what to expect. What I experienced was both moving and inspiring, and a good surprise in so many ways. As a mother (of now grown up boys) I remember the exciting and also daunting feeling as I brought baby home. New mums are expected to simply know so much, naturally!!!  Motherhood is a wonderful time but it can also be a time of great change, challenge and uncertainty. Supporting new mothers and families at this time has never been in more demand, with the need for food parcels and formula feed, sadly, on the rise. We were delighted to be able to support an Empyrean resident closely involved in this wonderful initiative, purchasing 30 online tickets for our team.

“The evening was a wonderfully sensitive and thought-provoking series of short solo performer plays on the array of experiences and feelings of mothers, reflecting genuine awareness and honesty of ‘Motherhood’. Each ticket sale went towards helping a low income family receive direct lactation support. Last year 1.9 million food parcels were handed out and whilst many choose to formula feed, with increasing costs of formula, sterilisation and bottles many woman struggle ultimately to achieve their goals due to lack of support. Supporting the work of those helping mothers in this area is wonderful and indeed powerful. Thank you to the play writers and the actors for a very enjoyable evening.”

For more information on the support provided visit:

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