North Solihull is a relatively new area in the West Midlands, built between 1965 and 1971 on ancient woodland (part of the Forest of Arden) as an overspill town for Birmingham.
The North Solihull area is to the east of Birmingham and is adjacent to Birmingham International Airport and the National Exhibition Centre. It is also the site for the first High Speed Train service from London and will put the centre of London within 40 minutes of the area and significantly increase the importance of North Solihull.
North Solihull is a priority for regeneration. Building on its existing assets, the objective is to deliver sustainable long term benefits by exploiting the proximity to Birmingham Business park, the NEC, Jaguar Landrover, the airport, and Solihull Town Centre through improved transport links, as well as improving links with the areas extensive green and open spaces.
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In 2006 Sigma prepared a Strategic Framework that sought to improve the quality of life in the north of the Borough which was adopted Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
The project began a radical transformation in a sustainable way to improve life for everyone in North Solihull in terms of housing choice, health, crime, educational opportunity and employment prospects.
Extensive stakeholder consultation has been a key element of the Sigma approach to this project, including engagement with diverse local authority departments; essential service providers and 4,000 local residents. Getting ‘buy-in’ from all these parties has produced a strong framework that guides the development and regeneration of this area.
The partners on this project are Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Sigma, Bellway PLC and West Mercia Housing Association.
The Project is based on the creation of a sustainable community by working in partnership with residents, stakeholders and public bodies to achieve a holistic approach to solving issues in the area. The full scope of the project is set out in the Strategic Framework (the statutory planning document for the area); in summary it includes interventions to the existing housing stock, opportunities for new house building, new schools, creation of community hubs, improvements to public open spaces and local environment and transport improvements. There is also a range of community and economic development initiatives to ensure that physical renewal is integrated with improvements to the social and economic well-being of local communities.