Peel L&P has secured a major land deal with UK housebuilder Countryside for 455 new family houses and a further land sale with a registered social landlord to progress the regeneration of Partington village in Trafford.
The agreement at Lock Lane will see Countryside prepare and submit detailed planning proposals in the coming weeks to build a wide range of new family homes on a 40-acre site next to the Manchester Ship Canal in Partington.
Land in the village centre opposite the new shopping complex has also been acquired by Southway Housing Trust who have submitted detailed plans for 13 new affordable and shared ownership family homes on a brownfield site.
Countryside will be delivering homes for private market sale with Sigma Capital Group delivering private rental homes and Great Places meeting affordable housing needs, all of which will help address housing shortages in Trafford.
The two land sales mark the next phase of realising a long-term vision for Partington between Peel L&P, Trafford Council and the Parish Council involving investments in recreational, retail and residential developments.
This includes a £10million investment in the new shopping centre which opened in 2015 and is now home to Tesco, Heron Foods, Card Factory as well as a number of other tenants including local businesses. The land deal with Countryside will also facilitate the implementation of a four-mile green loop around the village to offer new and improved footpaths and recreation links for new and existing residents.
Phil Wilson, Peel L&P’s Executive Director for Strategic Land and Homebuilding said: “We’ve invested heavily in the transformation of Partington village as part of a shared long-term goal to regenerate the area providing a wider choice of quality housing to meet local needs, complemented by excellent retail and recreational facilities that are already put in place or will be delivered as a result of this deal.
“We’re pleased to be working with Countryside and Southway Housing to realise the final part of this masterplan for the village and we look forward to seeing the development progress.”
Ian Kelley, Chief Executive, Partnerships North, Countryside, said: “There is substantial local demand in Partington and the wider Greater Manchester region for high quality and affordable homes and we’re very proud to be leading the way in ensuring this need is met.
“We’ve been working closely with our partners Peel L&P, Sigma Capital Group, Great Places and Trafford Council to make sure this collaborative project meets the high expectations of home-buyers and the wider community. I’m confident that this transformative regeneration scheme will not only deliver stunning new homes but will also benefit everyone in the surrounding area.”
Countryside is currently undergoing land investigations as part of its planning process and, subject to planning consent, hopes to commence work in the coming months.