Sheffield housing plans for 256 new homes have been approved
Plans to build a housing development close to Manor Top in Sheffield was approved by Sheffield City Council last week.
The scheme, otherwise known as ‘Manor Boot’ is being led by Sigma Capital Group plc and Sheffield Housing Company. The site is located within the Manor Top neighbourhood to the South East of the city centre and it covers an overall area of 28.6 acres. Currently owned by the council, the site previously contained council housing stock.
A report to the committee said that the site was ‘mostly brownfield land and in need of development’ and the plans would transform it in to a ‘new, high quality residential environment’. The report adds: ‘The excess of informal open space land in the local area and the overall benefits of the proposals which promote good urban design principles and include high quality architecture and landscape enhancements, are considered to weigh positively in the development’s favour and overcome this land use policy shortfall’. The development is also said to be supported by some of the local schools.
The new estate will be built by Keepmoat Regeneration and will offer a mixed tenure, offering of three and four bedroom homes with the private rent brought to the market by Sigma’s Simple Life brand www.simplelifehomes.co.uk.